Greetings brothers and sisters!

1 Kings 8:61 (International Standard Version)

“ Now let your heart be completely devoted to the LORD our God, to live according to his statutes and to keep his commands, as we are doing today ”

This was part of King Solomon’s Prayer of Dedication when the temple was built in Jerusalem. King Solomon’s final request is that God’s people would remain devoted to the Lord our God and his teachings at all times. And this is really what devotion to God is all about. Because of His great love for us, God wants our hearts to be completely devoted to Him as well.

As we dedicate the coming year of 2021 to God, let’s first of all be devoted to Him, followed by our devotion to each other, and then to the work of the Lord. Let us imitate God's people, as we read about at the dedication of the temple in 1 Kings 8, and again in the first century in the Book of Acts, and commit to the heart of being a disciple of Jesus in this new year.

Our God is an awesome God and may His name be glorified despite the challenges that we all are going through right now as we gather together to hear what God says at the 2021 Virtual Malaysia Churches Conference...Amen!

Love, Malaysia Churches Ministry Staff

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列王紀上 8:61

“願你們像今天一樣專心事奉我們的上帝耶和華, 遵行祂的律法,


這是所羅門王在耶路撒冷建造聖殿時獻身禱告的一部分. 所羅門王最後的要求是:神的子⺠要 始終忠於主和祂的教導. 而這其實就是對神的奉獻. 因為神對我們的愛, 祂希望我們的心也能完全奉獻給祂.

在我們把 2021 交託給神之际, 必先把自己全心獻上給神, 对彼此鞠躬尽瘁, 并竭力侍奉主. 让我们效仿列王紀上 8 章里的信徒如何一心一意建造圣所,以及第一世纪使徒行传里的门徒的献身精神,在全新的一年裡委身做耶穌的門徒.

我們的上帝是奇妙的神. 儘管我們正在經歷着挑戰, 但愿我们能夠透過 2021年馬來⻄亞門徒线上会议的「道」来荣耀神的名......阿門!
